Executive Director
Brief info
Lead Consultant of the innovative “Culture Brain Switch” Training Program teaching Australian business how to advance sustainable futures and systemic barrier removal with lenses of anti-racism and ancestral accountability. Nola established the first online Aboriginal education company in the world in 2010. A leading Aboriginal business women for over 20 years, chosen as a 2021 Community Changemaker within the Yanalangami: Strong Women, Strong Communities Changemakers Program. Nola is currently leading a Wiradjuri Language restoration Project to help restore knowledge of clan/family boundaries of her mother’s people. Nola was chosen as one of 12 Aboriginal women featured in the 2018 NAIDOC (National Aboriginal & Islander Day celebrating leading Aboriginal female entrepreneurs in Australia.
Expertise and Qualifications:
- Indigenous Knowledge Institute, Aboriginal Language Research Fellow
- Aboriginal governance
- Restoring Original Country
- RAP/Internal Systems Change
- Author
- Wiradjuri Historian
- Aboriginal cultural and IQ engagement training development